OK, so now we get to the new stuff. I wanted to get started in a medium that was portable, somewhat cheap, and could be used in as many environments as possible. I settled on watercolor. I already had an almost complete watercolor setup that I have never really used. Granted the paints are pretty low quality, but they will do the trick until I can replace them with the good stuff.
Cat Statue - Watercolor on paper |
I've really never worked with watercolor before. So far I've found the medium to be very useful in the portability department. They are quick to set up, clean up, and there is no need for potentially harmful chemicals. However, in my opinion, watercolor is unforgiving. If you make a mistake in oils or acrylics, you can paint over it. With watercolors, you have a few moments to perhaps lift it out with a rag or paper towel while it's still wet, but that only works so often before the paper starts falling apart.
Skylanders - Watercolor on paper |
These are just quick sketches. I didn't spend any more than a couple of hours on each. I'm trying to figure out the manipulation of very wet paints, and the color mixing which is very different with watercolors. The pigments seem to be way lighter or darker once they dry causing my values to get knocked out of whack. It is a lot of fun doing these sketches though.
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